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Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

The Hamsters

Hamsters are a type of rodent animals, there are various kinds in the world and almost there in every country. Hamsters belong to the subfamily Cricetinae. This subfamily is divided into approximately 18 species, classified into six or seven genera. Characteristic
Hamster has a plump body, with a tail shorter than body length and has a furry ears, feet wide, short and stocky. Hamsters have long thick hair, and bristles have different colors depending on the hamster species, egg black, gray, white, brown, yellow and red. Underparts are white to gray and black. Hamster Dzhungaria - among the hobbies known as the Winter White Hamster (Phodopus sungorus) and the striped dwarf hamster (Cricetulus barabensis) have a black line under the middle of the back. Dwarf desert hamsters (genus Phodopus) are smallest, with a body length of 5 to 10 centimeters (about 2 to 4 inches), while the largest is a hamster, European hamster (Cricetus cricetus), with a body length of more than 34 inches, not including the short tail which has a length of 6 inches.
Hamster habitat located north of central Europe to Siberia, Mongolia, and northern China to Korea. Hamster habitat in the south stretching from Syria to Pakistan. They live on the border of the desert, sand dunes which in vegetation, foothill and lowland with bushes and rocky, river valleys, and vast grasslands, some also live in the fields planting. Geographic distribution of species groups described the hamster, European hamster example is found in central Europe and western Siberia and northwestern China, while the Syrian hamster (in some of the articles referred to as the golden hamster or golden hamster) are found only in a small town in northwestern Syria.
Hamsters are omnivorous creatures. Their diet usually grain, but also includes fresh fruit, roots, green parts of plants, invertebrates and some other small animals (insects such as grasshoppers). Hamsters carry food in their cheeks which includes pockets for their food input into the hole, not all food is suitable for hamsters. Some foods, such as the poisonous leaves of tomato, becoming the most dangerous foods for healthy hamsters. People's opinions about other unsafe food is causing their tails wet cucumber and citrus fruits. In both these opinions, there are things wrong. Cucumbers have very little good nutrition and can cause liver problems, and some hamsters do not like the taste of citrus fruits, but the citrus is safe for use in hamsters. Hamsters diseased with diabetes are not allowed to receive food containing high sugar content, such as fruit and corn. Hamster food components divided into three categories: dry, fresh, and food animals.
If we want to maintain the hamster, the safest thing is to provide food in the form of fresh grain. In Indonesia there are several household enterprises that make a hamster food from the grain. Choose whole grains are not preserved but are free of lice and coloring materials. For security reasons, should not provide food in the form of fresh leaves and instant food. Several types of fresh leaves may not be harmful to the hamster, but the majority of foliage was contaminated pesticides. Although few, hamsters susceptible to pesticides. Instant food is also given to the hamsters are not good because it usually contains a preservative. Foods containing salt can cause hair loss in hamsters.
Hamsters are usually silent and nocturnal, although also it can be said crepuscular and they are sometimes active in the early morning or late afternoon. They are good diggers, make a hole to the entrance of one or more and with galleries that are connected with their room for nests, food storage and other activities. There is no hamster hibernating during winter, but some experience torpor period occurs for several days to several months ..
Male hamsters have huge testicles in accordance with their body size. Young hamster is more difficult to engage in sex.
Hamsters become fertile at different ages depending on the species, but this can be done at the age of one month to three months. Hamsters can still become fertile male during his lifetime, but the female does not. Females are in estrus approximately every three days.
Breeding season is from April until October, with an up to 13 children born after a gestation period for 13 to 22 days. Gestation lasts 16 to 18 days for Syrian hamsters, 18 to 21 days for the Russian hamsters, 21 to 23 days for hamsters in China and 23 to 30 for hamster Roborovski.
After a pregnant female hamsters, hamster parent will build nests and raise their children there. They are hairless, their eyes closed and very small. After one week, they started around their nest and eat. After three weeks, children can leave their nest hamsters. Except for the hamster Roborovski, the new can come out of the enclosure within four weeks. Typically, male and female hamsters are separated when the female hamster gave birth, to avoid undesirable thing. Son of hamsters also may not hold, so as not to be eaten by the parent. After one week they begin to explore outside the nest. They had been completed after three weeks, or four weeks for hamsters Roborovski. Most people will sell the hamsters to shops when the hamsters aged 2 to 8 months.
Hamsters can be kept either in cages or in the terrarium are available at pet stores. Cage is easier to carry, the edges can be used for climbing. In the glass box, can prevent the hamster throw out sawdust and other rubbish out the cage, giving a better view to hamsters, more calm, and prevent the circumstances surrounding a dirty cage.
Because of the small hamster, a suitable house for hamsters always have to have a place for at least two legs and a strong top because hamsters are a good climber. Glass box may not be higher than the length for air circulation, and because of the smaller, dwarf hamster needs a bigger cage, at least 80 centimeters because their activities are great.
Avoid hazardous objects are dangerous for animals. Wood from conifers or plywood is not suitable for hamsters, because hamsters will whittle the wood and either glue or resin toxic to them. Store-bought cage can be equipped with multiple levels, connected by stairs.
Hamster normal temperature for 18 to 26 ° C (64 to 80 ° F)
The floor of the residence hamsters usually filled with sawdust. Wood dust created from discarded paper or wood with smells is the most healthy. Sliver and eating sawdust made from cedar, pine, may contain phenols that can damage the respiratory system, liver and skin of hamsters.

Like other pets, hamsters need exercise and entertainment to train their physical and psychological health. Hamster wheel used to exercise, but the wheels are too small for the size of these hamsters
"Wheel of sports" in the hamster makes a hamster running full speed at the wheel. Other objects are plastic balls or cars that can be entered hamsters so that they can exercise while exploring the area outside the cage.
Hamsters are nest builders, many owners who provide a tissue or piece of paper, so they can build a safe place on the edge or in their homes. Wood dust can also be used to build a nest hamsters, but there are risks such timber are exposed to pesticides or sharp pieces that can hurt the hamster, like other rodents, hamsters also is a rodent, hamsters should be given a suitable and safe objects to build a nest .
Syrian hamsters typically live no more than three years if maintained, and life is shorter than three years if living in the wild. Winter white hamster lived approximately 1.5 to 2 years if maintained, and Chinese hamsters 2.5 until three years. Roborovski smaller hamster alive 3 to 3.5 years if maintained. Both the Syrian hamster and the hamster can start reproduction when aged 4-5 weeks. Chinese hamsters can perform reproduction when 2-3 months old, and hamsters roborovski at age 3-4 months.
The first known species in Indonesia is the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). This hamster is the most widely kept species of people. Pet stores many calling them "honey bears," "panda," "black bear", "European black bears," "polar bears", and "dalmatian," depending on the color. Also there are several variations, including those with long hair that grow hair several centimeters and always require special attention.
Other hamsters that are kept from the people there are four species of dwarf hamster. Campbell dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbell) is the most widely hamsters maintained among four species and is sometimes called the "runt of Russia", many originating from the Russian hamsters. Skin White Russian Dwarf Hamster (Phodopus sungorus) become white in winter. Roborovski hamster (Phodopus roborovski) is very small and fast. China hamster (Cricetulus griseus) instead of "dwarf hamsters" the truth, only hamster with a tail about 4 inches - almost all the hamsters have very short tails
Many keepers who wanted their hamsters breed hamsters produce a good and healthy by storing one or two so that the quality and temperament is a vital requirement when planning the propagation. There may be a result of planned and unplanned pregnancies, but the hamster is often well cared for and become good pets are kept. Buying a hamster directs the custodian means that there is a chance to see their parents and know the date of birth hamster for sale.

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