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Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

The Hamsters

Hamsters are a type of rodent animals, there are various kinds in the world and almost there in every country. Hamsters belong to the subfamily Cricetinae. This subfamily is divided into approximately 18 species, classified into six or seven genera. Characteristic
Hamster has a plump body, with a tail shorter than body length and has a furry ears, feet wide, short and stocky. Hamsters have long thick hair, and bristles have different colors depending on the hamster species, egg black, gray, white, brown, yellow and red. Underparts are white to gray and black. Hamster Dzhungaria - among the hobbies known as the Winter White Hamster (Phodopus sungorus) and the striped dwarf hamster (Cricetulus barabensis) have a black line under the middle of the back. Dwarf desert hamsters (genus Phodopus) are smallest, with a body length of 5 to 10 centimeters (about 2 to 4 inches), while the largest is a hamster, European hamster (Cricetus cricetus), with a body length of more than 34 inches, not including the short tail which has a length of 6 inches.
Hamster habitat located north of central Europe to Siberia, Mongolia, and northern China to Korea. Hamster habitat in the south stretching from Syria to Pakistan. They live on the border of the desert, sand dunes which in vegetation, foothill and lowland with bushes and rocky, river valleys, and vast grasslands, some also live in the fields planting. Geographic distribution of species groups described the hamster, European hamster example is found in central Europe and western Siberia and northwestern China, while the Syrian hamster (in some of the articles referred to as the golden hamster or golden hamster) are found only in a small town in northwestern Syria.
Hamsters are omnivorous creatures. Their diet usually grain, but also includes fresh fruit, roots, green parts of plants, invertebrates and some other small animals (insects such as grasshoppers). Hamsters carry food in their cheeks which includes pockets for their food input into the hole, not all food is suitable for hamsters. Some foods, such as the poisonous leaves of tomato, becoming the most dangerous foods for healthy hamsters. People's opinions about other unsafe food is causing their tails wet cucumber and citrus fruits. In both these opinions, there are things wrong. Cucumbers have very little good nutrition and can cause liver problems, and some hamsters do not like the taste of citrus fruits, but the citrus is safe for use in hamsters. Hamsters diseased with diabetes are not allowed to receive food containing high sugar content, such as fruit and corn. Hamster food components divided into three categories: dry, fresh, and food animals.
If we want to maintain the hamster, the safest thing is to provide food in the form of fresh grain. In Indonesia there are several household enterprises that make a hamster food from the grain. Choose whole grains are not preserved but are free of lice and coloring materials. For security reasons, should not provide food in the form of fresh leaves and instant food. Several types of fresh leaves may not be harmful to the hamster, but the majority of foliage was contaminated pesticides. Although few, hamsters susceptible to pesticides. Instant food is also given to the hamsters are not good because it usually contains a preservative. Foods containing salt can cause hair loss in hamsters.
Hamsters are usually silent and nocturnal, although also it can be said crepuscular and they are sometimes active in the early morning or late afternoon. They are good diggers, make a hole to the entrance of one or more and with galleries that are connected with their room for nests, food storage and other activities. There is no hamster hibernating during winter, but some experience torpor period occurs for several days to several months ..
Male hamsters have huge testicles in accordance with their body size. Young hamster is more difficult to engage in sex.
Hamsters become fertile at different ages depending on the species, but this can be done at the age of one month to three months. Hamsters can still become fertile male during his lifetime, but the female does not. Females are in estrus approximately every three days.
Breeding season is from April until October, with an up to 13 children born after a gestation period for 13 to 22 days. Gestation lasts 16 to 18 days for Syrian hamsters, 18 to 21 days for the Russian hamsters, 21 to 23 days for hamsters in China and 23 to 30 for hamster Roborovski.
After a pregnant female hamsters, hamster parent will build nests and raise their children there. They are hairless, their eyes closed and very small. After one week, they started around their nest and eat. After three weeks, children can leave their nest hamsters. Except for the hamster Roborovski, the new can come out of the enclosure within four weeks. Typically, male and female hamsters are separated when the female hamster gave birth, to avoid undesirable thing. Son of hamsters also may not hold, so as not to be eaten by the parent. After one week they begin to explore outside the nest. They had been completed after three weeks, or four weeks for hamsters Roborovski. Most people will sell the hamsters to shops when the hamsters aged 2 to 8 months.
Hamsters can be kept either in cages or in the terrarium are available at pet stores. Cage is easier to carry, the edges can be used for climbing. In the glass box, can prevent the hamster throw out sawdust and other rubbish out the cage, giving a better view to hamsters, more calm, and prevent the circumstances surrounding a dirty cage.
Because of the small hamster, a suitable house for hamsters always have to have a place for at least two legs and a strong top because hamsters are a good climber. Glass box may not be higher than the length for air circulation, and because of the smaller, dwarf hamster needs a bigger cage, at least 80 centimeters because their activities are great.
Avoid hazardous objects are dangerous for animals. Wood from conifers or plywood is not suitable for hamsters, because hamsters will whittle the wood and either glue or resin toxic to them. Store-bought cage can be equipped with multiple levels, connected by stairs.
Hamster normal temperature for 18 to 26 ° C (64 to 80 ° F)
The floor of the residence hamsters usually filled with sawdust. Wood dust created from discarded paper or wood with smells is the most healthy. Sliver and eating sawdust made from cedar, pine, may contain phenols that can damage the respiratory system, liver and skin of hamsters.

Like other pets, hamsters need exercise and entertainment to train their physical and psychological health. Hamster wheel used to exercise, but the wheels are too small for the size of these hamsters
"Wheel of sports" in the hamster makes a hamster running full speed at the wheel. Other objects are plastic balls or cars that can be entered hamsters so that they can exercise while exploring the area outside the cage.
Hamsters are nest builders, many owners who provide a tissue or piece of paper, so they can build a safe place on the edge or in their homes. Wood dust can also be used to build a nest hamsters, but there are risks such timber are exposed to pesticides or sharp pieces that can hurt the hamster, like other rodents, hamsters also is a rodent, hamsters should be given a suitable and safe objects to build a nest .
Syrian hamsters typically live no more than three years if maintained, and life is shorter than three years if living in the wild. Winter white hamster lived approximately 1.5 to 2 years if maintained, and Chinese hamsters 2.5 until three years. Roborovski smaller hamster alive 3 to 3.5 years if maintained. Both the Syrian hamster and the hamster can start reproduction when aged 4-5 weeks. Chinese hamsters can perform reproduction when 2-3 months old, and hamsters roborovski at age 3-4 months.
The first known species in Indonesia is the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). This hamster is the most widely kept species of people. Pet stores many calling them "honey bears," "panda," "black bear", "European black bears," "polar bears", and "dalmatian," depending on the color. Also there are several variations, including those with long hair that grow hair several centimeters and always require special attention.
Other hamsters that are kept from the people there are four species of dwarf hamster. Campbell dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbell) is the most widely hamsters maintained among four species and is sometimes called the "runt of Russia", many originating from the Russian hamsters. Skin White Russian Dwarf Hamster (Phodopus sungorus) become white in winter. Roborovski hamster (Phodopus roborovski) is very small and fast. China hamster (Cricetulus griseus) instead of "dwarf hamsters" the truth, only hamster with a tail about 4 inches - almost all the hamsters have very short tails
Many keepers who wanted their hamsters breed hamsters produce a good and healthy by storing one or two so that the quality and temperament is a vital requirement when planning the propagation. There may be a result of planned and unplanned pregnancies, but the hamster is often well cared for and become good pets are kept. Buying a hamster directs the custodian means that there is a chance to see their parents and know the date of birth hamster for sale.

Types of Hamsters

That Many Types of Hamsters Maintained
Until now, human hamster has maintained only a limited number of five types as follows;


Campbell Mini Hamsters - Hamster has a movement that is not too fast. The distance between the eyes, ears, and nose balanced. Campbell Hamster heads equilateral triangle-shaped because the shape of his cheekbones widened to the side. Ears look big and tall. Her hair color and complexion and most varied more than the winter white. Compared with any other mini hamster, hamster, Campbell has the most beautiful color variations that are most widely. The four feet from chin to neck bottom
overgrown fur white.

As an adult, this hamster's body looks flat, as flat as if crouching near the ground. Temperament is not as quiet as winter white, but not as fast as Roborovski. Females appear more actively engaged than males .. 
basically, Campbell hamsters are social and happy to live in groups. When combined with each other since childhood, they can live in peace.


Hamster Mini Winter-White - Chief of winter white hamster same triangular sides and extending to the rear visible. Edge the nose ~
not visible slightly rounded. Large round eyes, shiny, and its position closer to the ear than on the nose. If viewed from the side, above the nose or between the eyes and nose. There is such a small bump. Backbone of the white winter tend to be somewhat curved upward, with Campbell  not same seen looking somewhat flat.

Hamsters are seen more often in silence rather than running, so tame, and never bite. Body sizes tend to be larger and, the fur thinner than Campbell. Unfortunately, this hamster has a limited variety of colors. fur color on her belly is lighter than the color fur in the upper body.

Roborovski Mini Hamster - Hamster Roborovski happy hiding and have a fast or lively movement, so-hard to catch and harder to tame than the winter white. Both eyebrows above the eyes, the mouth, and cheeks are white the dominant color.
Roborovski have a body short with prominent black eyes and shiny round. Big head, as if more and if not balanced with the body length. His mustache is very much, grow tight, and long. Brown fur golden beige color with a white tip of each strand. Feather in the abdomen is white. The tail is very short and covered with feathers, so that is not visible. As the smallest, the maximum length of only 4-5 cm Roborovski. Can reach 3 to 3.5 years old.

Chinese Hamster - Hamster hamster was not classified as a mini. Male hamster body length can reach 90-10 cm. Meanwhile, the body of female hamsters is shorter than the male. This happens because the penis sac is seen extending to the rear, so that male hamsters seem longer. Hamsters can have a tail that can grow along the 2 cm. When young, his fur looks more
to ash-gray color when compared with an adult. Nevertheless, this type known difficult hamster cultured

Hamster Hybrid - are crosses between species that produces hamster hamster without a definite identity. Hamster hybrids could only happen because of human intervention. Marital
inter-species hamster will never be found in the wild. Generally the term is for hamster hamster hybrid crosses between mini-type hamster Campbell and winter white. In the wild, both species of hamster is derived from a different region. Actually marry the two species of hamster is not a wise thing for both types of these hamsters have tendency for different diseases. Thus, by performing crosses between hamster has in fact tantamount to bring together or gather at least two tendencies in diseases that can attack the body one hamster. If we had known this, we should not try.

Hamster hybrids are usually sterile. or infertile due to marriage among the species produces genetic changes in children or offspring. Although some are not infertile, usually the next offspring will appear again child hamster hybrids sterile. There are several hamster hybrids that have similar physical appearance with a winter white, but color. his body looked odd, different from the standard white winter color. Until now there are only four types of color recognized hamster hybrids, namely pearl, normal, imperial, and sapphire.

Hamster hybrid that is often called the golden hamster, winter white or just believed to be the golden crosses of winter white hamster hamster-pearl with hamster campbell-argente. Therefore, this hamster has a white body shape resembles winter, but the back line of brown. Primary color of white fur upper body with yellowish brown envelope region of his back, so that golden glow, and feather head top is a blackish spots. This brings the nature of hamsters winter white that color will mutate to remaining only in white with brownish dorsal line.

Shih Tzu Dog

Anjing Shih Tzu

Shih-Tzu Description

This small sturdy dog, like the Lhasa Apso, is covered over with an abundant double coat of long hair lined with a woolly undercoat. This proud looking little dog has hair above the nose growing upward, creating a "chrysanthemum" face. The head is rounded, with a profuse beard and mustache, short hairy muzzle, and black nose (except in liver-colored dogs which have liver noses). There is a definite stop. The eyes are large, round and wide-set, dark on most dogs but lighter on liver and blue colored dogs. The pendant ears are so covered with hair that they blend right into the body coat. The teeth should form a level or undershot bite. The topline is level and the body is slightly longer than the height at the withers. Dewclaw removal is optional. The heavily plumped tail is curled over the back. Any color is acceptable, though white on the forehead and tip of the tail is preferred by most dog show judges.

Gambar Anjing Shih Tzu

Shih-Tzu Temperament

The Shih-Tzu is an alert and spunky little dog. Happy and hardy, endowed with loads of character. The gentle loyal Shih-Tzu makes friends easily and responds well to consistent patient training. They make a very alert watch dog. Courageous and clever. Playful and lively, this affectionate little dog likes to be with people and are generally good with other pets. Some can be difficult to housebreak. The Shih Tzu needs all of the humans in the house to be pack leader, with the rules of the house made consistently clear. Owners who allow their dogs to take over may find them to be snappish if they are surprised or peeved. Because of this dogs small size and it's adorable face, they commonly develop Small Dog Syndrome, human induced behaviors where the dog believes he is pack leader to humans. This causes a varying degree of behavioral issues, such as, but not limited to separation anxiety, guarding, growling, snapping, and even biting. They may become untrustworthy with children and sometimes adults, as they try and tell the humans what THEY want THEM to do. They will be obstinate as they take their stand and defend their top position in the pack. They may bark obsessively as they try and TELL you what they want. These behaviors are NOT Shih Tzu traits, but rather behaviors brought on by the way they are treated by people around them. Give this dog rules, and limits to what they are and are not allowed to do. Be their firm, stable, consistent pack leader. Take them for daily pack walks to burn mental and physical energy. Their temperament will improve for the better, and you will bring out the sweet, trustworthy dog in them.

Foto Anjing Shih Tzu

Shih-Tzu Height, Weight

Height: Up to 11 inches (28 cm)
Weight: 9-16 pounds (4-7 kg)

Shih-Tzu Health Problems

They tend to wheeze and snore. Some bloodlines are prone to ear, eye and respiratory problems. Spinal disc disease caused by a long back and short legs may be a problem. Their teeth need regular veterinary attention, as they tend to be lost early. These dogs gain weight easily and should not be overfed.

Jenis Anjing Shih Tzu

Shih-Tzu Living Conditions

The Shih Tzu is good for apartment life. They are fairly active indoors and will do okay without a yard. This breed is sensitive to the heat.

Shih-Tzu Exercise

The Shih Tzu need a daily walk. Play will take care of a lot of their exercise needs, however, as with all breeds, play will not fulfill their primal instinct to walk. Dogs who do not get to go on daily walks are more likely to display behavior problems. They will also enjoy a good romp in a safe open area off lead, such as a large fenced in yard. Do not over feed this breed or it will quickly become fat.

Shih-Tzu Life Expectancy

About 15 years or more.

Anak Anjing Shih Tzu

Shih-Tzu Grooming

These little dogs require a good daily grooming using a bristle brush. A topknot is usually tied with a bow so that the dog can see properly. Some owners prefer to have them trimmed to make the coat easier and less time consuming to care for. Keep the ear passages and area around the eyes clean. Shih-Tzu's have sensitive eyes that should be keep clean. There is special drops you can buy to put in them if needed. Ask your vet what to use on your dog. This breed sheds little to no hair and are good for allergy suffers if their coats are kept very well groomed. (Due the fact that they shed little skin dander.)

Shih-Tzu Origin

Documents and paintings dating from the sixteenth century show dogs resembling a small lion (which the Shih-Tzu is sometimes called). In the seventeenth century, dogs were brought from Tibet and bred in the forbidden City of Peking, probably by crossing the Tibetan Lhasa Apso and the native Pekingese. The Shih-Tzu became a favorite of the Imperial Chinese court. The breed was so revered that for many years after the Chinese began trading with the West, they refused to sell, or even give away, any of the little dogs. It was not until 1930 that the first pair was imported to England. The Shih-Tzu was recognized in Britain in 1946 and by the AKC in the United States in 1969. Today the breed is very popular, both as a companion and as a glamorous show dog.

Shih-Tzu Group

Herding, AKC Toy classed under the Non-Sporting Dogs category.

Trah Anjing Shih Tzu

Golden Retriver

Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Description

The Golden Retriever is a beautiful, sturdy, well-proportioned dog with a feathered, medium-length, cream to golden-colored coat. (The coat is not suppose to be red.) The outer coat is water-repellent and the undercoat is dense. The head is broad, with a tapering, but wide, powerful muzzle. It has a scissors bite and a clear frontal stop. The nose is black and the kindly eyes are brown with dark rims. The ears are medium-sized and pendant. Its neck and thighs are muscular and the chest is broad. The tail is long, but never curled.

Anak Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Temperament

These are lovable, well-mannered, intelligent dogs with a great charm. They are easily trained, and always patient and gentle with children. Loyal, confident, sweet and eager to please. It is active, loving and an outstanding family dog. Golden Retrievers enjoy pleasing their masters, so obedience training can be fun. They excel in obedience competitions. Friendly with everyone, including other dogs, the Golden Retriever has very little, if any, guarding instincts. While unlikely to attack, Goldens make good watchdogs, loudly signaling a stranger's approach. This breed needs to be around people to be happy. If isolated from human contact, or left alone for long periods of time, the Golden Retriever may become mischievous. They can be over-exuberant and distractible. Some of the Golden's talents are hunting, tracking, retrieving, narcotics detection, agility, competitive obedience, and performing tricks. These dogs also love to swim.

Jenis Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Height, Weight

Height: Dogs 22-24 inches (56-61 cm.) Bitches 20-22 inches (51-56 cm.)
Weight: Dogs 60-80 pounds (27-36 kg.) Bitches 55-70 pounds (25-32 kg.)

Foto Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Health Problems

Prone to hip dysplasia and congenital eye defects. OFA and CERF certification are important from both parents. Parents should also be checked for Von Willebrand's disease and heart problems. Skin allergies are common in Golden Retrievers and require immediate veterinary attention.

Gambar Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Living Conditions

This breed will do okay in an apartment if sufficiently exercised. They are moderately active indoors and will do best with at least a medium to large yard.

Anjing Ras Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Exercise

The Golden Retriever needs to be taken on a daily, brisk, long walk, jog or run alongside you when you bicycle. In addition, they like to retrieve balls and other toys. Be sure to exercise this dog well and do not overfeed, as he tends to put on weight.

Trah Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Life Expectancy

About 10-12 years

Golden Retriever Grooming

The smooth, medium-haired double coat is easy to groom. Comb and brush with a firm bristle brush, paying particular attention to the dense undercoat. Dry shampoo regularly, but bathe only when necessary. This breed is an average shedder.

Jenis Anjing Ras Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Origin

The Golden Retriever was first developed in the British Isles, probably from crosses between a yellow Flat-Coated Retriever, light-coated Tweed Water Spaniels, other spaniels, setters and even the Newfoundland and possibly the Bloodhound. In fact the breed was first shown as a Golden Flat-Coat. The Golden is one of the world's foremost family companion dogs. Many of the top obedience competition dogs in the country are Golden retrievers. The Golden is also a fine bird dog on both land and in the water. He has an excellent nose and has been used not only for hunting and tracking, but also for narcotics detection. Because of his great desire to please and capacity for love and learning, the Golden Retriever is also used as a guide for the blind, therapy dog, and service dog for the disabled.

Rottweiler Dog

A Rottweiler is a medium-large, robust and powerful dog breed originating from Germany.
The breed is black with clearly defined tan markings on the cheeks, muzzle, chest, legs, and eyebrows. The markings on the chest should form two distinct upside-down triangles; a tiny patch of white in between is not acceptable for show dogs. The cheeks should have clearly defined spots that should be separate from the muzzle tan. The muzzle tan should continue over the throat. Each eyebrow should have a spot. Markings on the legs should not be above a third of the leg. On each toe should be a black 'pencil' mark. Underneath the tail should also be tan.
Nails are black. Inside the mouth, the cheeks may have black patches, although the tongue is pink. The skull is typically massive, but without excessive jowls. The forehead is wrinkly when the Rottweiler is alert.

Anak Anjing Rottweiler

A Rottweiler's eyes are a warm, dark brown—any other color may not be acceptable as part of the "pure breed". The expression should be calm, intelligent, alert, and fearless. The ears are small drop ears that lie flat to the head. 'Flying' ears are considered undesirable by some breeders. The coat is medium length and consists of a waterproof undercoat and a coarse top coat. Rottweilers tend to be low maintenance, although they experience shedding during certain periods of the year.

Naturally, Rottweilers are a tailed dog. Tails were originally removed to prevent breakage and infection that would occur when the tail became covered in mud and other debris collected from pastures and livestock. Today, many owners in U.S. decide to have the tails removed soon after the puppy's birth for purely cosmetic reasons. The tail is usually docked to the first joint. In the past this was a commonly accepted practice, but it has been banned in the European Union.

The chest is deep and should reach the dog's elbows, giving tremendous lung capacity. The back should be straight; never sloping. According to FCI standard, the Rottweiler stands 61 to 68 cm (24-27 inches) at the withers for males, and 56 to 63 cm (22-25 inches) for females. Average weight is 50 kg (110 lb) for males and 42 kg (95 lb) for females.

Foto Anjing Rottweiler

In the hands of a responsible owner, a well-trained and -socialized Rottweiler can provide both excellent personal protection and loving companionship. A badly trained or insufficiently restrained Rottweiler, however, can be extremely destructive, and pose a significant physical threat to its owner or other humans or dogs on account of its size and strength. In general, Rottweilers are quick to learn and eager to please, and thrive on mental stimulation. They can also be strong-willed at times, however, and should thus be disciplined in a firm, consistent manner. Rottweilers are playful animals who constantly demand attention from their owners and will find creative and often destructive ways to get it if they are excessively neglected.
The Rottweiler is not usually a barker: males are silent watchers who notice everything and are often quite stoic. Females, however, may become problem barkers in order to protect their den. In the event a dog feels threatened, they tend to go very still before attacking, and there may be no warning growl. This is one of the breed's characteristics that lends itself to the reputation of being unreliable. An observant owner, however, is usually able to recognise when the Rottweiler perceives a threat. When the dog barks, it is more of a sign of annoyance with external factors (car alarms or other disturbances) rather than threats.
The Rottweiler is typically a dominant dog, and they can resort to aggressiveness in unfamiliar situations. The Rottweiler's large size and incredible strength make this an important point to consider, and for this reason the Rottweiler is a breed that only experienced dog owners should consider. Rottweiler owners who are not aware at the outset of the breed's aggressive nature often have difficulty handling such dogs when they reach adulthood. Early socialization and exposure to as many new people, animals, and situations as possible are crucial to producing a dog that is tolerant of strangers.
Aggression in Rottweilers is associated with boredom, poor handling, lack of socialization, natural guarding tendencies, and abuse. Owners are advised to neuter/spay the dog to reduce aggressive tendencies. Unneutered males can become aggressive and hard to manage and are predisposed to some cancers. Unspayed females can become moody and difficult and predisposed to uterine problems and cancers.

The Rottweiler Welfare Association offers the following advice for would-be Rottweiler owners:

  • Like all dogs, the Rottweiler needs to be trained properly and controlled at all times 
  • No-one should own a Rottweiler unless they are absolutely sure they can control it, and are willing and able to devote time and effort to teach the dog good basic manners 
  • The Rottweiler has a natural guarding instinct. Do not do anything (for instance, rough play) to enhance this guarding instinct 
  • No Rottweiler should be in the sole charge of a person such as a child who is not capable of controlling it 
  • Any person who owns a dog should be aware that he will be devoted to and feel protective towards his household. This should be borne in mind when children are playing, people arguing or visitors are calling 
  • Third party insurance should be taken out on any Rottweiler that you own.
  • Some abandoned/rescued Rottweilers can make wonderful pets while others can be very protective.
Anjing Rottweiler
The breed is an ancient one, and its history stretches back to the Roman Empire. In those times, the legions travelled with their meat on the hoof and required the assistance of working dogs to herd the cattle. One route the army travelled was through Württemberg and on to the small market town of Rottweil.The principal ancestor of the first Rottweilers during this time was supposed to be the Roman war dog, local sheepdogs meet during the travel, and dogs with molosser appearance coming from England and The Netherlands.

This region eventually became an important cattle area, and the descendants of the Roman cattle dogs proved their worth in both droving and protecting the cattle from robbers and wild animals. It would be a brave villain who would try to remove the purse around the neck of a Rottweiler Metzgershund (Butcher's Dog of Rottweil).

However, by the end of the 19th Century, the breed had declined so much that in 1900 there was only one female to be found in the town of Rottweil. But the build up to the World War I saw a great demand for "police dogs," and that led to a revival in interest for the Rottweiler. Its enormous strength, its intelligence, and its ability to take orders made it a natural weapon of war.

From that time, it has become popular with dog owners, and in 1935 the breed was officially recognised by the American Kennel Club. In 1936, Rottweilers were exhibited in Britain at Crufts. In 1966, a separate register was opened for the breed.

The first Rottweiler club in Germany, named DRK ("Deutscher Rottweiler-Club" — German Rottweiler Club) was created the 13 January 1907, and followed by the creation of the SDRK ("Süddeutscher Rottweiler-Club" — South Rottweiler German Club) on the 27 April 1907 and became the IRK (International Rottweiler Club). The SDRK counted around 500 Rottweiler, the SDRK 3000 Rottweilers. The goal of the two clubs was different. The SDRK want to produce working dogs and didn't take lot of care in the morphology of the Rottweiler. The main stud dog of this club was Lord von der Teck. The IRK tried to give an homogeneous morphology according to their standard. One of the main stud dogs of this club was Ralph von Neckar. One dog emerged and gave us the base of the actual Rottweiler type: Lord von der Teck son of Lord Remo vom Schifferstadt.

On 14 August 1921 the two clubs merged to become the ADRK (Allgemeiner Deutscher Rottweiler Klub) which is now known as the official German Rottweiler club. The first currency of the ADRK was : "Die Rottweilerzucht ist und bleibt Gebrauchshundezucht" (The Rottweiler breeding is and stay the breeding of a work dog)

how to choose a dog

Not difficult to obtain the desired different types of dogs today. In Jakarta, almost certainly provide every pet shop dogs "for sale", and unisex choices offered by the breeders through advertisements in newspapers, on internet or in a special magazine dog. Options are quite diverse.
However, before buying and make choices, not wrong if the prospective owners of knowing in advance deficiency, excess, character, health conditions and other aspects related to the type of dog you want to select it. In addition, there are special considerations that are not also be underestimated, including considering the family circumstances such as the number of family members, their interests, neighborhood atmosphere, and the time available.
One advice that could be considered before choosing a dog to be maintained is, do not be too quick to conclusion. Because the "first glance" to the physical form of handsome, nice color, or because the dog has a hard
barking etc. can actually backfire.
Dogs have unique properties, different from other pets like cats, horses or birds. Dogs are animals that can interact closely with humans. In fact it is often said that as a pet, dogs have extremely strong emotional relationship with the employer and other family members. A dog is not only familiar with the employer. But he also can be very familiar with people close to the employer. Similarly with items such as cars, home environment, motorcycle, or even dress the employer will fill out a dog that kept the memory correctly.
Meanwhile, there are opinions that say that dogs' behavior or deviant nature, and upsetting is the impact of choosing and maintaining a mistake. This further strengthens the assumption that states that a dog is an interaction process. This interaction process includes the attitudes, conditions and treatments from the keeper with the nature of the dog.
So, the proposition is worthy of consideration is that if you wanted a dog, choose a dog that fits in order of development, pet dogs are not to be timid, grumpy, and various other destructive properties.
Choosing Dog Pets
A single man working in companies that require time to work full time. This man lived in a house with a yard rather narrow, the situation was quite calm neighborhood. So what type of dog in accordance with this situation?
Apparently for this guy if he's getting kind of match that is not
possessive puppy, short haired dog breeds are categorized as moderate (middle), which is in harmony with his condition. Thus, the most likely choice will fall on the dog Labrador, Dalmatian, Basset Hound, or a local dog. Would be different if the employees were settled in a flat, the possibility of a more fitting choice for him is a Basset Hound, PUG, Dutch sun, or Dalmatian.
By increasing the aspects being considered, both from the point of the prospective owners or dog. Better possibilities would be easier in the future. Live, how you build a positive and intense socializing with new friends.
When the choice of the type that will be selected has been steady, there are some other things that also could be some advice for prospective owners. It deals with a condition that is commonly found in dogs. Please note, that the nature of the mother and father will be reduced to the puppies. Nevertheless, the basic properties will be more visible on the nature of the details that tend to differ. Often can be seen, although litter puppies show some differences in the nature, perhaps one of the children, including a brave but other children who look more timid.
The recommended age to get a pet dog is still saplings with ages above 2.5 or 3 bulan.alasan for it is, because the dog at this age and its behavior has not been formed, and will be more easily formed in the maintenance in accordance with their expectations.
Accuracy of a prospective owner is very determine the outcome of his choice. But it is also necessary to know enough to know the quality of dog health. Here are some signs that could be avoided, such as dirt in the eyes, ear hole that looks wet. The liquid that melts through the nose, good-looking still dilute or who have been turned into a crust may be an indication that the puppy is experiencing respiratory disorders.
The other thing that could be taken into consideration is the anal opening, when the feathers around it attached to each other. So maybe the dog was suffering from diarrhea. While the ribs and spine that stand out are the signs of a skinny dog. Dogs are a lot of ticks indicates that he gets less attention, while the color of the mucous membranes of the gum are pale is a sign that the puppy suffered from lack of blood. This situation can be caused by worms or too much seized with lice.

For better, and know with certainty the health condition of a dog. The best thing to do is to consult the matter to the vet.

Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Tips Keeping Canary Bird

This little bird chirping sound enthralled his audience., Up to a lot of the bird enthusiasts maintain a walnut. Besides the bright plumage makes walnuts unsightly.
This canary must be maintained to keep it healthy so the owner can enjoy the beauty of this bird. Like most other pets are in cages, and food and beverages must be noted, in addition, also state his own cage. Small cages, dirty and smelly must have been less had fun, especially if the food and beverages are also filthy unkempt. These types of treatments include several matters, among others:
- Cage - Places to take a bath - Nursing - Replace feather - Composition of the food mixture - Ring of feet (if required) - Places to eat and drink
Investigation of animal behavior has been running since a long time, and we will be assessing our pets is not really worth the brackets for the animals itself. Another scholar, Prof. Hediger, has been scientifically proven that an animal that has been in the human pet will be treated as a region lingkunganya residence. This applies to human animals which have been preserved from generation to generation, and bred within the catchment, in this cage as a place of residence.
In addition
cleanliness cage maintained a more mainstream is the bird's own health, because the nature of love wet walnuts to a better body then placed some container for a bath, can usually be done in time dry in the sun in the morning or late afternoon can also. Bath for canaries very meaningful at all, especially at the time of process change feather many fans bird says that if it was sick canaries can be characterized by often he wet himself, to bathe him more than usual. The same situation we see if the walnut finished brooding egg, will very often soaked her body with water. Also in the case of solar thermal drying should be controlled so as not to adversely affect the birds. With prolonged sunbathing would be very dangerous to the bird itself. Some birds will die in vain if we do not oversee the process.
Physical characteristics of potential walnuts

* Big head, a little box and not conical, indicating good fight
* Indicates a thick neck and part-loud volume
* Body long and slender to support the length of breath
The characteristics of the above is characteristic for the walnuts with a potentially dominant, although there are some exceptions.